When it comes to social media advertising, Facebook, for a good reason, stands on top of anything. Around 2 billion users spend an average of 53 minutes on the site per day, which is more than any other platform. Which is why it’s no wonder that advertisers invest in Facebook pages and Ads regularly.

But is that enough to drive users to take the desired actions of your campaign?

Those ordinary posts about your service or products on your business page are not enough. Facebook’s new algorithm favors visual content. Meaning a higher chance of engagement, shares, and your Ads being remembered by your target audience.

The hard part? Facebook brings in new Ad formats and constant updates to their Ad dimensions and image sizes, which many marketers are not aware of.

The right image size and a compelling image are necessary for an action-oriented CTA. Without knowing the correct pixel size or image dimension, you won't know how much space you have to design and that may prevent people from taking an action.

While Facebook keeps on updating their dimensions and format requirements, it’s entirely up to us to keep track of these changes for better visibility on the social media platform.

Sound exhausting?

Don’t worry, with this Facebook image dimensions cheat sheet developed by TechWyse, an SEO agency, they’ll clearly guide you through this process.

cheat sheet: image sizes for facebook [infographic] - shane barker

With fierce competition on Facebook, images play an important role in persuading people to take your desired action. This latest update includes the format and size requirements for video ads, profile photos, catalogs and many more. The infographic also includes some tips which might be useful when you post your Ads on Facebook.

Now that you have got all of the info you need about Ad dimensions and image sizes, It’s time to design!