

Influencer Outreaching

Mailshake is a useful email outreach tool.

Influencer Marketing Directory


Mailshake is a useful email outreach tool.


Mailshake is a sales engagement platform that helps salespeople create highly personalized outreach message sequences using email (via their personal email accounts), social, and phone.

With Mailshake, you can upload a list of prospects with personalization fields like name, links to social profiles, phone numbers, and even fully personalized sentences and paragraphs.

Once you publish the sequences, the messages are sent automatically according to your campaign settings and can be paused automatically if a recipient replies or clicks on a link.

When a lead engages with your outreach, you can reply to them directly from Mailshake, or through your own email. You can also track your campaign’s performance in real time, and see which messages in your cadence have the best engagement.